Welcome my lovelies and I’d like to begin this blog post with a big up to
all mummies who relate to this topic as it is you who will truly understand the
notion of not getting five minutes piece where kids are concerned. My lil ninja
has always been very demanding since she was a baby, from needing the boob so nonstop
I would feed her whilst feeding myself, a talent you learn as a new
mummy (that’s after dropping your plate off the chair arm a good few times first), to now at eight years old with ‘mummy can I have, mummy will you play.’ Hence the title of my whole blog ‘Welcome to my Whirlwind.’ Life just does not stop when you have kids and they do become the forefront of everything, we as mummies do. Even when the ninja is in bed I just can’t settle due to the fact that she sleepwalks and talks and screams although the night terrors have pretty much subsided (seeing her walk to the fridge to ‘get back in bed’ was just the cutest). So from all those times she has called upon me as a baby to a toddler to a small child to a mini ninja you’d think that now at 8 years old I would start to get a little more me time……..wrong!!!!!!!! She has this amazing ability to remember every little word I say to her for example ‘make sure you take your things upstairs when you go’ and low and behold what feels like the whole contents of her bedroom is still downstairs (like a page of where friggin wally!)!
So, when questioned the reply is simply ‘I did take my things up’ meaning her slippers as they are classed as things to which my reply is ‘no, everything’ which then I get back (and breath) ‘well you didn’t say everything!’ ha ha classic the lil sassy monkey. This I find all very interesting as she will remember this (selective hearing much) but when I ask her to give me 10 mins for meditation, its almost like she has interrupting Tourette’s! seriously I can get in the bath and ask for just 20 mins of quiet time and within what, five minutes she is sat on the loo at the side of me having the world’s biggest stinkiest poo!!!!!! (orrrrrr maaaaan!!!!!!!) pleeeeeeease!!!!!!
mummy (that’s after dropping your plate off the chair arm a good few times first), to now at eight years old with ‘mummy can I have, mummy will you play.’ Hence the title of my whole blog ‘Welcome to my Whirlwind.’ Life just does not stop when you have kids and they do become the forefront of everything, we as mummies do. Even when the ninja is in bed I just can’t settle due to the fact that she sleepwalks and talks and screams although the night terrors have pretty much subsided (seeing her walk to the fridge to ‘get back in bed’ was just the cutest). So from all those times she has called upon me as a baby to a toddler to a small child to a mini ninja you’d think that now at 8 years old I would start to get a little more me time……..wrong!!!!!!!! She has this amazing ability to remember every little word I say to her for example ‘make sure you take your things upstairs when you go’ and low and behold what feels like the whole contents of her bedroom is still downstairs (like a page of where friggin wally!)!
So, when questioned the reply is simply ‘I did take my things up’ meaning her slippers as they are classed as things to which my reply is ‘no, everything’ which then I get back (and breath) ‘well you didn’t say everything!’ ha ha classic the lil sassy monkey. This I find all very interesting as she will remember this (selective hearing much) but when I ask her to give me 10 mins for meditation, its almost like she has interrupting Tourette’s! seriously I can get in the bath and ask for just 20 mins of quiet time and within what, five minutes she is sat on the loo at the side of me having the world’s biggest stinkiest poo!!!!!! (orrrrrr maaaaan!!!!!!!) pleeeeeeease!!!!!!
As a mummy you have to expect that you will be tugged here, there and
everywhere ready at their beckon call and even now at 8 years old the lil ninja
is still very much demanding! If I am not needed to play games, it’s to now
practice make up (which OMG I thought the day would never come, bless), or make
breakfast, (although she can make her own including fried egg sandwiches!) make
lunch and dinner and with this always always always comes ‘is it ready yet’
(awkward giggle) ha ha ‘yes of course it is I’ve almost done peeling the spuds
they will cook and be ready within ten seconds or absolutely here is a bowl of
dry pastsa!’ Then there is the can you come upstairs scenario when she wants to
nip to the bedroom or the loo because its dark. Ohh and don’t forget the
sneaking downstairs after bedtime because she can’t get to sleep so then comes
yet another chapter of whatever book we a reading at the time. Plus there is
also the classes!!!!!!!! Depending on what tugs their interests be it ballet,
swimming, football, drama, music, gymnastics, cricket or taekwondo, the latter
for me has me rushing that one night a week to get to the session on time or
playing punch bag on an evening when she wants to practice. But this to be
honest only skims the surface of the time needed to be a mummy (or daddy) as
some of you will already know and have experienced this ‘no time’ situation.
We all rush around wishing we could have ‘more time’ thinking if only I
had an extra two hours a day instead of actually cherishing the time we do
have. Yes wouldn’t we all want to have that five minutes of ‘chill out’
(without being poked and prodded)
just five minutes of silence to catch your breath but when you have kids your world does change and you have to account for that. However, I still believe that a good balance is what keeps you happy in life. So, make sure you have that quality time where you laugh and make memories but also make sure that you put aside some alone mummy time to do something that keeps you happy and positive…….and don’t feel guilty for it! How do it do it?????? That’s for yet another blog post.
just five minutes of silence to catch your breath but when you have kids your world does change and you have to account for that. However, I still believe that a good balance is what keeps you happy in life. So, make sure you have that quality time where you laugh and make memories but also make sure that you put aside some alone mummy time to do something that keeps you happy and positive…….and don’t feel guilty for it! How do it do it?????? That’s for yet another blog post.
Thanks for reading
Big lovely hugs xxxxx