Saturday, 4 February 2017

How to survive a birthday sleepover with 8 year old girls!

Well hello there my lovelies let me start this blog post by saying welcome back if you are a fan of my work (she bows delightfully) and also welcome welcome if you are a mummyvslife virgin (errrr let's go with...) newbie. The topic today is kids sleep overs which is surprisingly interesting to find out that many mums dare not to venture into this world as it can be a little scary being a mummy and letting your little girl sleep out at a random lady's house (FYI I'm no random and I was actually good at this shiz). Luckily for me, the ninja has been sleeping 'out' since she was a baby which I think is part of the reason she is so independent.

The main detail of this little gathering of girls is ORGANISATION (all shouty and stuff) because without it (warning light on and beeping madly) you've got no chance of survival! So  Morrisons it is, as they have a new amazing party section where I was able to pick up 12 amazing cupcakes for £6, red plates, cups and straws (ninjas fave colour) minion party bags and the little treats to go inside.

Ooh and also frozen pizza and chips for the party tea (oven shove and it's done, no faffing!). So the little beauties arrive around 6pm on the Friday (a little later shaves off that extra couple of hours) with lots of smiles and a couple of panicked mums who clearly are reluctant to step back out of the door. Then once all have arrived you just send them 'off' to play while you cook tea (don't come in here while I'm cooking, it's hot blah blah blah). Once done and you shout that long awaited 'its ready' (after each and every one of them have peeped around the door and asked 'how long' like a cheeky little game/trick they are playing (#dontwinduptheladywhosfeedingyou!!!)
they all come crashing through the door and plonk themselves at the table. Done! For now and I escape, once again to the living area (insert posh voice here) where I sit in solace for....about 5 minutes! (Better than nothing). Then it's a bit of dancing and singing in the kitchen and to be honest 'twas immensely fun and the girls loved it with me joining in, apart from yep, you guessed it... the ninja, (tut) who just looked in disbelief at the disgrace of her 'mother' with an alarming 'roly-eye' syndrome which was clearly stating the 'please don't' warning! Oops my bad (off she scurries back to the sofa lol).

So we are now at a reasonable hour to start settling down so we get comfy in front of the TV and put on a kids film which they ALL (sooo important unless you want a stray child asking to go upstairs on their own or play with your hair ...errr nope) can engage in. Yes! Done I am legend, quiet girls, watching a film some falling asleep so I suggest we get ready
for bed by taking apart my whole living room and creating a giant floor bed which FYI looks pretty amazing and is truly exciting for all. Again they are done, pj's on, teeth cleaned, settled in 'bed' and continue watching the film. Again I escape to the.... kitchen.... yes, it's like a game of musical rooms (see, fun for all).

Wow! 20 minutes gone and they are quiet…….oh crap…… spoke too soon…..yep….here it comes….. that ever anticipated……….SECOND WIND!!!!!!!! They are jumping all over the ‘bed’ of cushions, giggling from how much fun that is, just embracing their age and loving life and why not and I love it!

When morning hits (because they did eventually get to sleep) I walk into the kitchen to find them all sat together having breakfast at the table which is the most adorable thing. The next plan is to get them out of the house now so its dressed, ready and to the park where I witness the most treasured friends looking out for each other as well as myself falling for the old ‘push me, help me’ routine. So there’s me running from child to child pushing on swings, carrying across monkey bars and generally chasing around but again, I suggest you get involved as the time flies and actually it was great fun and even the ninja was loving it.

Overall the key points to surviving a group sleepover is organisation, preparation, get involved, lots of cushions andblankets, and have options (and also a good bottle of wine for the chill out the following night).

I hope you learnt a little, thank you for reading.

Big big hugs xxxxx

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