Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Fybromyalgia and how this mummy copes

Hello you little lovelies, so this blog is something I’ve ummed n ahhhd (yorkshire slang) about for a while as my blog is more about mummy vibes although this does have a huge impact on my mummy life so I think it’s important. After much time spent back and forth at the doctors a few years ago (won’t go into details cos I’m over it) I was finally diagnosed with Fybromyalgia (after being made to feel my symptoms did not exist grrrrr inserting angry emoji here with its head blowing off). It honestly felt like a weight had been lifted and that I could now start working towards feeling better.
After a year of my own research (lots) and taking non related pills which made me feel worse I knew this chronic crapbag of an illness wasn’t going away so instead started to work towards a more positive outlook as this is the only thing I could control.

The hardest thing I find is when the ninja is so excited about doing something and I’m not feeling great. It breaks my heart that I can’t be there whole heartedly like before. Like when we had all that ‘lovely’ snow (FYI it looks so beautiful but omg when you are sensitive to cold which causes pain this pretty soft white stuff might as well be tiny pieces of glass laid all over the ground!) and she asked if we could go sledging.... to turn her down because I can’t cope in the cold is the crappy-est feeling (I’d love to be shoving her from the top of the biggest hill). However, I will always try and offer a different solution to make up for it as it the best I can do and I do my best.

So how does the ninja deal with this? Well she totally understands when it’s fybro is related! Yep my 9 year old ball of greatest totally gets it. From the start I’ve been super honest with her about it all and explained it in as much detail as possible. I let her ask questions and I answer them as openly as I can. It was hard when she asked things like ‘will you ever be back to normal’ and ‘will it ever go away.’ But with this I just answer with ‘no it won’t, I will have it forever but I will look after myself and it will all be fine.’ She’s in tune with my good and bad days and offers so much support and who could ask for anything more.

It can be the most frustrating when in pain to even get out of bed in a morning (sometimes feeling I’ve gone 10 rounds with David Haye –ooooh yes please!)
but I just set my alarm a little earlier to give me time. It helps that when I open my eyes the ninja is stood at the side of me fully clothed, teeth brushed and ready for school lending a hand (golden child of the year award). There are so many contributing factors to the pain the list feels endless but I do make sure I do everything in my control to remain as healthy as possible. It’s not always easy though as much as the ninja can be awesome she can also not be. Let me tell ya that when the attitude kicks in it’s like a thunderstorm that waits for just the right time (me hanging on the edge) to strike with lightening leading me to flip flop ‘a flipperty flop’ into this emotional wreck. Me trying hard to keep the stress and anxiety from taking over which in turn will attack my pain points like a mosquito to a lightbulb, then her just waiting for my reaction thinking mmmmm how’s she (the adult) gunna take this? Wrong wrong wrong!!! And breath.... then kicks in the calm, thanks yoga and meditation how I love you so.

Yes yoga, meditation and Pilates has been a savour however finding the time to do this at home proves difficult. If meditation required interruptions to tell me what cereals are in the cupboard and which ones the ninja was deciding to have for breakfast then I would be a pro. I’d also be a pro if yoga involved the licking of your face by your dog (even shutting the door does nothing but allow them to scratch doing the wiggle dance ) so it’s hard to switch off. It gives down word dog a whole new meaning!

I have found that for me, keeping as positive as possible and introducing healthy changes in relation to mind and body is the best solution as I’m now medication free and in control as much as I can be through food and exercise. I can’t do the cardio anymore which is frustrating I mean who doesn’t want to go for a run after a long stressful day at work or hit the gym to pound the runner eh???? Unfortunately cardio also counts for the running around with ninja but I make up for this in other ways such as ‘game night’ or ‘shopping’ errrr nope not shopping she hates that lol but making as many memories as we can. This has to be the most positive aspect which helps and by having that family time to look forward to, taking away from the work stresses it can really help get through the toughest weeks.

So with the help and support of my amazing little family and some really understanding friends, I spread my wings, refuse to be cocooned in the crap  and manage my fybro quite well. It’s so much easier when the people around you understand and for that I’m truly grateful.

Thank you so much for reading

Big hugs xxxx

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