Sunday, 6 November 2016

Intro to the Whirlwind

Mummy knows best… right?

Mummy, mum, mother, ma, mam, mammy, whatever you decide to use to refer to the delightful lady who brought you into the world, I grew up thinking my mum knew everything and I believe this more now that I, myself am a mummy as I try to teach my child the way of this new unimpressive/impressive technology driven world. My daughter is now of the ‘beautiful non back chatting’ age of 7 (yeah right) and will refer to her as Ninja (since when I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up was exactly that!). This girl is so creative we can fill our days acting out characters from films and books or I will often catch her riding her rocking horse wearing which ever hat is fitting for her character at the time, play sword stuffed in a belt she has found in the wardrobe, pirate vest or ninja suit donned to the max, with a look that screams this is who I am right now and you will not judge me! This little human being turned my world upside down and sideways when she came along (totally planned) and I knew it was going to be hard but all the planning in the world from the most organised female on the planet was not going to prepare me for the storm that was about to rule my life! I couldn’t wait!

I often refer to the ninja as my little whirlwind as she always has me on my toes from when she was young and clung to me for cuddles or feeds to ‘mum what’s for tea’ and five seconds later ‘is it ready yet’ and with a full time job, being a mum can definitely feel like time is limited. However I am very blessed to have the most loving husband and support both at home and work and yet sometimes I can still feel like the world is caving in on me. So how do I cope with this? The truth is I haven’t in the past however my family became so important to me that I had to figure it out, even though life continued to be ‘thrown’ at me.

My latest challenge I am throwing punches at includes a diagnosis of the ever so delightful fibromyalgia (something I will explain more about in upcoming blog posts if people are interested) and being a dance teacher this has just about taken over…nope nope nope! Not taken over as I just won’t let it, but having this diagnosis, finally after suffering for many years with the symptoms I am now able to grab it by the fibros, take it for a walk down to the river, toss it in and have it come bite me only if I allow my feet to get wet which does happen sometimes, after all I am only human. It is my little whirlwind that I can rely on to take me away from the negative side of life and immerse me in a (wish I could say fairy tale but she would not be pleased with any princess reference linked to her) world of ‘pure imagination’ (she loves Charlie and the Chocolate factory) taking on new characters, making up songs playing and creating our own games and not being afraid to look silly,  building our confidence ready for life’s scenarios and making memories to cherish for ever.

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